Smart, Simple Venture Capital

Consider starting with a Core Fund, then supplement as you see fit

Our Fund Offerings

We encourage investors to develop a point-of-view on their personal venture portfolios.

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    Core Funds offer large, diversified portfolios
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    Focused Funds enable investments in specific thematic strategies
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    Syndications allow investors to review diligence and choose to put additional capital into a single company alongside our funds

Core Funds

These portfolios contain ~20-30 companies, fully diversified by stage, sector, geography, and lead investor.

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    Venture portfolios should be rooted in a large and diversified portfolio
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    Many investors include an annual renewal to their Core Fund as a part of their financial planning
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    We have alumni funds for alums of schools like Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, and more
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    We also offer the AV Foundation Fund, available to all accredited investors
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    Includes access to deal Syndications and engagement opportunities with other investors

Focused Funds

These thematic funds offer investors an opportunity to customize their venture portfolio

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    Diversified portfolios, deploying against specific strategy, with reserves for follow-ons
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    Co-investing alongside other established venture firms
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    Investments sourced by our entire team of 40+ full-time venture investment professionals
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    Each Focused Fund is led by dedicated full-time team with specific thematic expertise and focus
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    Includes access to deal Syndications and engagement opportunities with other investors


This allows you to angel invest yourself into our deals, alongside our funds. We provide you with all of our diligence, and you can optionally invest directly into single-asset vehicles at lower minimums.

See video policy below.

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    Exclusive for AV fund investors
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    All deals sourced by our investment professionals and invested in by one or more of our funds
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    Deal diligence materials shared via a secure data room
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    Lower minimums
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    100% opt in. You decide how often you want to see Syndications and whether or not to invest

*For illustration purposes only. These investments are not intended to suggest any level of investment returns; not necessarily indicative of investments invested by any one fund or investor. Many returns in investments result in the loss of capital invested. These investments are not available to future fund investors except potentially in certain follow-on investment options.

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